OKAY! Where do I begin?? Danielle finally had a minute to update me on her trip to France. She gave me a day by day play which I loved reading. She has had so much fun and his family has made her feel so welcome! His sisters even bought her a present one day at the mall. She and Mat took one day to go to the park and play soccer with Mat's sister. She loved it they had fun just running around. That night they went to a professional soccer game at a huge stadium, she had fun there too! Learning about the french culture has been fun for her, Mat's sister has been cooking french cuisine for her to try and she has also learned that they take their cheese very serious. There is a time set aside to eat cheese! She said they even eat cream cheese with a fork. I love cheese I would be in heaven. She said some of the cheeses have been to strong for her. She said that she misses everyone but does not want to come home! She is having so much fun and it sounds like the family is wonderful!! I am so excited for her and cannot wait to hear more abouther trip. The following are some pictures she has shared with me! First stop, getting french money!! A fun day at the park playing soccer and just goof'n around!
Trying french cuisine, YUMMY!
Beautiful scenery! Mat's two sisters.
Some fun time at the market and just being together!
HOW NEAT! I love that she is spending this time in France, she will never forget this time in her life!! I LOVE LOVE the cute picture of her with her sandals beside her and the scenery behind. She looks SO happy! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKELE!!! I hope to see you guys soon!!
I didn't know you had a blog. I'm still figuring out how all this stuff works.... And uh, I can't believe Danielle is old enough to date! what?!!!
My mom told me about Mike and Dan and the jobs they're doing. My hubby is actually looking for something along those lines. Dan said to call Mike. My mom called him to get some info...but I thought I'd ask you, too (Mike's phone is on voicemail). Any info you can tell us about the job would be so helpful. We gotta find something!!!
This is another super easy recipe I got off the back of a stove top stuffing box. I have had a recipe close to this one but without the veggies. This recipe reminds me of chicken pot pie. The nice thing is it's easy and my boys eat it!! I make it a little different then the box but not much.
Easy Chicken Bake
1 pkg. stove top stuffing mix
1- 1/2lbs. chicken breasts cut into bite size pieces
1 can cream of chicken soup (I used non-fat and it was still good)
1/3 cup of sour cream (I used light daisy and it was still goof)
1 bag 16oz. frozen mixed vegetables the recipe said to thaw and drain. (I didn't and it was still good)
Make stuffing as it calls for on box. Mix chicken, soup, and sour cream all together and place in a casserole dish. Put stuffing on top. Place in a 400 degree oven and cook for 30 minutes or until chicken is cooked through. The second time I precooked my chicken and baked at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes. Turned out yummy both times.
I thought that I would add a recipe my sister gave me while I was in Utah. Not only is it extremely easy but it is low fat!! If you have this recipe all ready that wasn't nice to keep it to yourself. If you don't I am good at sharing. HEHE :)
Pumpkin chocolate chip or chocolate chocolate chip
1 box of either spice cake or chocolate cake
1 can 15 oz. pumpkin
1 cup chocolate chips
For pumpkin cookies, mix spice cake mix, chocolate chips, and pumpkin together until well mixed. Place by heaping teaspoon fulls on an ungreased cookie sheet. Cook at 350 for 10 to 15 minutes give or take a few minutes. YUMMY!! If you want chocolate simply add the chocolate cake mix in place of the spice cake. Is this easy or what!!!
This is our wonderful family. Here is a quick update. Mike is working hard as always. He has had some work in Arizona which has been nice we get to see him every night.
I am still in school and enjoying my children and grandbaby when I can.
Chandler and Courtney and Talon are doing well. Chandler has a new job as a graphic designer, Courtney is going back to school, working at the salon, taking care of baby Talon and pregnant with a sweet baby sister for Talon, WHEW!!
Baby Talon, when we see him, loves grandpa and playing with the boys. He is very good natured and always has a smile.
Danielle has come to visit in Arizona. She is helping her mom in Tuscan and went trick-or-treating with Kyle and Kole and their friends.
Sis is working at Ruby Tuesdays but currently looking for other places to work and going to school.
Corbin like always is on the phone all day with girls. His life.
Kyle and Kole have decided it is fun being twins this year and will wear the same clothes to school to see who they can trick. Kole was trying to get Kyle to switch seats in class, that didn't fly with Kyle.
Thanks for sharing the story and pics Charlotte and Danielle! It sounds wonderful and dreamy! You deserve to be So happy Danielle! Love you guys!!
France looks awesome, Danielle is the cutest, and thanks Charlotte for keeping us all up to date on your fam! I love reading your blog!
HOW NEAT! I love that she is spending this time in France, she will never forget this time in her life!! I LOVE LOVE the cute picture of her with her sandals beside her and the scenery behind. She looks SO happy! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKELE!!! I hope to see you guys soon!!
HI Charlotte!
I didn't know you had a blog. I'm still figuring out how all this stuff works.... And uh, I can't believe Danielle is old enough to date! what?!!!
My mom told me about Mike and Dan and the jobs they're doing. My hubby is actually looking for something along those lines. Dan said to call Mike. My mom called him to get some info...but I thought I'd ask you, too (Mike's phone is on voicemail). Any info you can tell us about the job would be so helpful. We gotta find something!!!
Hope to hear from you soon...
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