OK so I am extremely slow!! I have never been computer or camera savvy! I haven't sent out a Christmas card in my entire life and my video camera is as big as a toaster!! I was playing with my camera today and realized it would take sepia (brown and white) pictures as well as negative looking pictures some other style and video! How long have I owned the camera over five years! I am sure it is huge compared to the new ones too! Any way here are a few pictures I took.
OK so I have a lot of practice but my boys are so darn cute, crazy, wild, did I mention wild!! I love that they are wild.
Anyway I also wanted to add some pictures of my favorite Christmas present. Chandler and Courtney made me a book of their family I love it!! The cover and the back of the book are my favorite part. The picture from the book that I took of Talon I wanted people to see because Chandler knows that Mike's favorite team is the Colts so he saw the hat at the store and took pictures of baby Talon in the hat and emailed them to Grandpa!! He is so thoughtful!

Hey guys! I just got home, I'm going to bed but just wanted to say I LOVE the pictures!!!! LOVE LOVE them, Love you guys:)xoxooxo
SO FUN!! I want to see some of your videos!! I love your recipes!! I want to try your chicken bake, maybe tonight...but I don't have sour cream. DARN!
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